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What is Group Therapy?

Group psychotherapy is an effective form of therapy in which a small number of people meet under the guidance of a professionally trained therapist to help themselves and each other. There are many different approaches to group therapy, but they are all based on creating a safe, supportive, and cohesive space to address personal, relationship, and societal issues. 


What is a Relational Group?

The Relational Group is a type of group therapy designed to help adults explore and understand their interpersonal patterns and relationships. The focus is on building emotional intelligence, improving communication skills, and resolving interpersonal conflicts.


Participants are encouraged to share their personal experiences and emotions with others, as well as provide feedback and support to one another. The therapist(s) facilitate the group discussion, helping participants identify patterns in their behavior and relationships, and encouraging them to explore alternative ways of communicating and relating to others.

The goals of the group are to gain insight into how participants relate to others and develop more effective strategies for building and maintaining healthy relationships.


What makes group therapy unique and powerful?
We live and interact with people every day, and often there are concerns that other people are experiencing or grappling with that can be beneficial to share with others. In group therapy, you learn that perhaps you’re not alone or as different as you think. You’ll meet and interact with people and give and share helpful feedback; the whole group learns to work together on common problems — one of the most beneficial aspects of group therapy.

The group is a microcosm of the macro world in which we live, and as society undergoes change, the nature of human interaction is also changing. The group provides a space to process the impact of change on our internal and external environments as we replicate our large world experiences in the small group. In a group, one can expect to experience the confluence of race, class, and gender; the effects of the present as well as the past will be felt. The group space helps one to explore and define how one shows up in these spheres.


What if I’m uncomfortable with joining a  group?
It is normal to have questions or concerns about joining a group. What am I going to get out of this? Will there be enough time to deal with my own problems in a group setting? What if I don’t like the people in my group? What if I’m uncomfortable discussing my problems in front of others? Some people feel uneasy or embarrassed when first joining a group, but they soon begin to develop feelings of trust and belonging. Most people find that group therapy provides a great deal of relief because it allows them a chance to talk with others in a private, confidential setting.   

Demo of group therapy
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